by on April 30, 2024

The following 4 habits make you susceptible to diabetes, everyone should know so they won't regret it in time.

Why does a woman who hasn't eaten sugar all her life get diabetes?

In the past, a story about a case in China was spread in the community. This woman was middle-aged, over 40 years old, and rarely ate sweets. Even this woman never liked to eat sweets, but for some reason recently she suddenly felt her spirit getting worse and worse, always dizzy, easily tired, and weak. lose weight quickly.

Relatives and friends advised Tieu Van to see a doctor, but she subjectively did not think she had any special illness, so it was not necessary to see a doctor. However, one day she fainted at home and her family rushed her to the emergency room. At the hospital, the doctors conducted tests and concluded that Ms. Tieu Van had diabetes, which surprised her greatly. Because according to Ms. Tieu Van, she is not a person who likes sweets and has very little in her life. When you eat sweets, how do you get diabetes?


Experts warn of 6 factors that cause diabetes

Often overweight : According to experts, if people are overweight, the risk of diabetes will increase in people who are often stressed and overweight. At the same time, being overweight or obese will cause this fatty acid to be consumed, so glucose in the body will accumulate and not be burned. If blood sugar levels increase over time, it gradually becomes diabetes.

Frequently skipping breakfast: The habit  of regularly skipping meals and fasting from morning to noon increases reactions that destroy insulin levels and the ability to control blood sugar. This can put you at risk of diabetes.

Fast eating habits : Eating quickly without chewing thoroughly can also cause food to quickly decompose into simple sugars that are not good for health, in addition it also causes blood sugar to rise.

Habits cause diabetes

Habits cause diabetes

Often drinking alcohol and smoking:  One of the main causes of diabetes is that when the human body consumes a lot of alcohol, it will lead to strong fluctuations in blood sugar levels. The reason is that the carbohydrate content in beer and alcohol contains calories, making weight loss more difficult and making it easier to develop metabolic syndrome. In particular, the habit of drinking alcohol and tobacco also reduces blood flow to muscles and increases stress levels, thereby increasing the risk of insulin resistance leading to diabetes in humans. 

Frequently eating late at night: According to nutrition experts, the habit of eating late at night can increase blood sugar and disrupt insulin secretion, causing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Therefore, everyone should limit late night snacking at night. 


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