by on April 15, 2024

3 dishes that should be eliminated from breakfast before it's too late


Breakfast plays an important role in each person's health but is often overlooked.

Skipping breakfast is the culprit that causes hardening of blood vessels

Almost everyone knows the importance of eating breakfast. However, its benefits, in addition to protecting the stomach and providing energy all day for the body, are also closely related to cardiovascular health.

A study in Japan following 20,000 people found that those who skipped breakfast were more likely to develop cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and atherosclerosis. In addition, consuming inappropriate foods such as greasy, fried or sweet foods in the morning can also be harmful to health, especially blood vessels.

Hard and dry blood vessels are caused by problems with breakfast, 3 dishes should be removed from the dining table before it's too late - Photo 1.

In addition, another study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology also followed 6,550 American adults from 40 to 75 years old for 18.8 years. The results showed that compared to people who were determined to eat breakfast every day, those who skipped breakfast had an 87% higher risk of cardiovascular death, and a 19% higher risk of death from all causes.

Researchers have pointed out: "Breakfast is not only an important measure to maintain cardiovascular health but also a simple way to reduce the risk of death . " People who regularly skip breakfast also have a higher rate of arteriosclerosis.

Foods that should be removed from the table at breakfast

1. Sugary drinks

Many people believe that adding a glass of sugary drink to breakfast can effectively replenish energy. However, in reality, the high amount of sugar in this food not only stimulates the taste buds and causes addiction if used for a long time, but also increases the risk of diabetes.

Along with that, many people also think that drinking a glass of fruit juice or smoothie in the morning is good for health, but in reality, fructose in fruit if consumed in excess can easily lead to fatty liver. Especially smoothies with added sugar or fruit milkshakes will destroy the cellulose in fruits. They not only increase the speed of sugar absorption, but also cause sudden changes in blood sugar levels, shortening the liver's glycogen storage time and creating a burden on the liver.

2. Fried foods

Many people like to eat fried foods for breakfast such as donuts, fried chicken, french fries, etc. However, if you eat them continuously for a long time, it will be easy to take in too many calories, increasing the burden on your body. not only causes obesity but also increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases

3. Bread or cakes

These are popular foods for breakfast, but most of them are made from white flour and sugar, which when entering the body will be converted into glucose. After a long sleep, blood sugar levels are low. If the body absorbs refined starches, it will cause blood glucose to increase sharply. This stimulates insulin secretion, causing blood sugar levels to change suddenly, making it easier to absorb more starch than usual because you always feel hungry.

At the same time, consuming too much starch and sugar will lead to obesity - this is a risk factor for liver disease as well as affecting cardiovascular disease.

You can choose whole grain bread, although the taste is not as delicious as white bread, it helps reduce the speed of digestion and avoid sudden changes in blood sugar. In addition, you should eat more vegetables and eggs with bread to limit the negative effects of changes in blood sugar.

Harmful effects of skipping breakfast

Breakfast is an important source of nutrition during the day, accounting for about 30% of total calories, affecting human health and nutritional status. If you don't eat breakfast for a long time, many diseases may come.

1. Reduced immunity

In 2023, the journal Immunity published a new study showing that skipping breakfast for long periods of time can silently weaken the immune system and reduce the body's ability to fight infections.

2. Causes gallstones

Regularly skipping breakfast can affect the function of the gallbladder, easily leading to cholestasis and increasing the risk of gallstone formation.

If you skip breakfast for a long time, stomach acid can erode the stomach lining because there is no food to digest. In the long term, it not only easily causes inflammation, stomach ulcers as well as other stomach diseases but also increases the risk of stomach cancer.

4. Susceptible to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

A study in the journal Cell shows that skipping any of the three meals a day can have negative effects on your health.

Specifically, people who eat only one meal a day have an 83% increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease and a 30% increased risk of death from all causes. People who skip breakfast have a 40% increased risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.

4 things to do for a healthy breakfast

1. Drink appropriate amount of water before breakfast

After sleep, the human body will fall into a state of dehydration. If you eat breakfast without drinking water, it can lead to insufficient secretion of digestive juices, affecting appetite, digestion and absorption.

You should drink an appropriate amount of warm water or lightly salted water before breakfast. This can help boost metabolism and keep the intestines moist.

2. Food diversity

When eating breakfast, if the number of foods is too monotonous, it will lead to inadequate nutritional intake, affecting long-term health. Breakfast needs to be diverse including cereals, potatoes, meat, vegetables, fruits and appropriate amounts of protein-rich foods to meet the body's diverse nutrient needs.

Hard and dry blood vessels are caused by problems with breakfast, 3 dishes should be removed from the dining table before it's too late - Photo 3.

3. Appropriate amount of food

Although everyone's breakfast intake may vary due to body size and age differences, it is generally recommended to limit breakfast calories to less than 500 calories.

4. Appropriate meal time

Eating regularly at the same time can help maintain normal metabolic levels. According to the operating rules of the human body's biological clock and digestive system, the body's appetite is strongest between 7 and 8 am. This is considered the appropriate time to have breakfast.

To ensure digestion and absorption of nutrients, you should eat breakfast and lunch 4 to 5 hours apart.

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