by on April 30, 2024

This tuber contains a moderate amount of starch, lots of water, low calories, lots of fiber... so it is good for people who want to lose weight, have diabetes, or have constipation. Very good, right? Please use it and tell everyone!

This tuber helps lower blood sugar and reduce fat effectively

This type of tuber has an appearance similar to that of yam and taro. When you eat it, it feels crunchy and grainy, not crumbly, so you won't get bored if you eat a lot of it. It has a unique name, which is dwarf tuber (also known as water chestnut, dwarf ginseng).

In the past, few people were interested in dwarf tubers, but now this is a commonly sought after tuber. Dwarf tubers are sweet and cool, often used on hot days to provide cooling effects.

Chinese water chestnut, dwarf ginseng root, effects of water chestnut

This type of tuber has an appearance similar to that of yam and taro

MSc Dr. Dang Ngoc Hung (Nutrition Research and Consulting Institute) shared: After being cooked, dwarf tubers have a sweet taste, belong to the starch group, and can be used instead of rice in some meals. This tuber contains a moderate amount of starch, lots of water, low calories, lots of fiber... so it is good for people who want to lose weight, have diabetes, or have constipation. People can buy this tuber and boil it to help improve weight and blood sugar.

If talking about the benefits of dwarf bulbs, cooling on hot days should be mentioned first. Many people compare eating dwarf tubers to drinking water. They are much more delicious than bland filtered water. They have an indescribably sweet taste, so they often sell out on hot days. To increase the coolness, you can soak this tuber in ice water for about 15-20 minutes. It is also considered a medicine that cools the liver, cools the lungs, treats dysentery, and is a diuretic.

Chinese water chestnut, dwarf ginseng root, effects of water chestnut

Many people compare eating dwarf tubers to drinking water, and it tastes much better than bland filtered water

Besides, this tuber also contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, potassium... which helps stabilize blood pressure, helps reduce blood fat, and improves the heart.

Thanks to containing antioxidants such as vitamins A, B, C, E..., dwarf tubers have the ability to slow down the aging process, help beautify the skin, and fight inflammation. In particular, vitamin C in dwarf tubers is an important ingredient in forming collagen. Because the dwarf root is cool, women who eat it will have smoother skin and reduce pimples and roughness.

How to use dwarf tubers to clear heat and improve health

From dwarf tubers, housewives can prepare many delicious dishes. The simplest way is steaming or boiling. Or you can use it to make sweet soup or soup, which is also very good. It should be noted that dwarf tubers should not be boiled for too long, after about 30 minutes the skin will peel and crack. At that time, just take it out, soak it in cold water to cool down and you can eat it.

Chinese water chestnut, dwarf ginseng root, effects of water chestnut

Dwarf tubers can be used to boil, steam or make sweet soup...

Although dwarf tubers have many benefits such as providing nutrients, aiding digestion, stabilizing blood sugar and can improve overall health, consuming them in large quantities or regularly can cause a number of unwanted side effects. Therefore, to ensure safety and effectiveness, you should consult a nutritionist when adding dwarf tubers to your daily diet. Experts will provide specific advice tailored to your needs and health condition.

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