by on April 14, 2024

According to feng shui, only houses with good feng shui often have birds nesting - often found in houses in the suburbs and more rural areas.

A house with birds nesting is a good sign

According to feng shui, birds are like gifts from heaven - belonging to positive energy. When positive energy has entered the house, good luck will come, helping the homeowner prosper, have luck in people, money, material, happiness, prosperity...

Therefore, when you see a house with birds building nests (including wasp nests), you should not destroy the nests or chase them away as you will lose luck.

The ancients believed that the behavior of birds likes to nest in a cool, safe and energetic climate - which is also a good omen that the house is in balance with yin and yang and vitality, so "good land for birds to perch on". . Or signals that the house is about to have a new member, with growth and development of the homeowner.

Birds flying into the house to nest are a good omen, don't chase them away.

Birds flying into the house to nest are a good omen, don't chase them away.

Birds coming into the house to nest bring good luck

Ancient people said that birds represent faith and loyalty. Some birds represent eternal love, some birds bring good luck, but there are also some birds that should not be allowed to nest in the house.

Here are some conclusions from the ancients about birds coming into the house to nest, bringing good luck:

  • Sparrows nest in the house

A gentle sparrow nesting in the house sings loudly - it is a good omen, the family is about to meet noble people to support them, and when they encounter disaster, they will be able to overcome it. Sparrows often nest in houses built with grass, wood, and tile roofs that are sturdy, stable, and have many gaps. Therefore, nesting by sparrows is an indirect way to prove that the family has a solid house, economic ability, and good housing feng shui.

Sparrows also have the meaning of having many children and grandchildren - in the past, the elderly also brought sparrows home for them to live and build nests (called "new princes"). A house with sparrows (or guest birds flying in, dancing and chirping) is a sign of good news or guests coming to the house.

  • Swallows nest in the house

The swallow represents spring, is a blessing and brings a lot of fortune, a good sign... (but if the swallow leaves the nest unfinished, it may be threatened, or feel that something is wrong. good, especially the ancients believed that you need to be careful with firewood when you see a swallow's nest falling in the house).

The swallow's characteristics of finding a place to nest are similar to the ancient people's criteria for choosing a house (quiet, safe...) so as not to be disturbed. Swallows like to nest on high eaves (in the past, rich houses had high gates, high walls, high eaves, rich people did not have to worry about food, clothes, or money, so they would quarrel less - consistent with the quiet nature of swallows). . The living room of a rich house is tall so there is a certain distance, safer for the swallow's nest.

  • Starlings nest in the house

Starlings are friendly and have clear songs, living in flocks and herds in rural areas. Starlings often spend a lot of effort to find a place to build their nest, so any place where a starling nests will often be a good omen and bring positive energy.

Birds coming into the house to nest is a natural phenomenon, but it also signals that there is about to be good news in the house

Birds coming into the house to nest is a natural phenomenon, but it also signals that there is about to be good news in the house

Birds should not be allowed to nest indoors

According to folk beliefs and feng shui, besides birds that bring luck and good omens, there are some birds that nest in the house that bring bad luck such as owls, pig birds, magpies, hawks, and black crows. ..

Or there are families who don't like the sound of too many birds singing, or the fact that birds pick up trash and bird droppings all over the house... so they want to chase them away - especially some birds that carry bad omens, so you have to be careful when chasing them away. Being pecked by a bird causes physical pain.

Simple ways to repel birds without much impact on the bird's habitat:

  • Spraying water into the nest is a way to chase away nuisance birds.
  • Light a torch and follow the bird's path through the house to help the bird find another place to live.

In cases where a bird brings bad omen, a bird flies into the house and dies immediately, or a white bird suddenly flies into the house, which is a sign of bad luck, or problems with love affairs or health. Folks often sprinkle salt on rice to ward off bad luck.

Posted in: Family & Home, Health
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