by on April 13, 2024

Hot and humid weather is ideal conditions for mosquitoes to breed. To repel them, apply the tips below.

Mosquitoes are quite obnoxious creatures. They multiply quickly, causing itching when bitten on the body. Furthermore, mosquitoes are intermediate animals that transmit dangerous diseases to humans, dengue fever, malaria... To kill mosquitoes, we need to pay attention to cleaning the house regularly, not letting stagnant water create a stagnant environment. for mosquitoes to breed... In addition, we can use a number of methods to kill mosquitoes such as spraying mosquitoes, using mosquito incense, mosquito incense, mosquito repellent essential oils, mosquito lamps... These This thing is clearly effective in repelling mosquitoes, but some people feel uneasy because its ingredients contain chemicals.

In fact, to safely repel mosquitoes, you can use ingredients available in your home.

First, you need to prepare a small bowl of water (about 2/3 of the bowl is fine). Add a few drops of essential oil to the bowl. Wind oil contains essential oils that are very good at repelling mosquitoes.

Add a few drops of essential oil to a bowl of water.

Add a few drops of essential oil to a bowl of water.

You can replace wind oil with other essential oils that can repel mosquitoes such as tea tree essential oil, lemongrass essential oil, lavender essential oil... Place this bowl of water right next to the bed. The scent of essential oils emitted will repel mosquitoes, making them not dare to come close to places where people rest.

Place a bowl of water in the area next to the bed to repel mosquitoes.

Place a bowl of water in the area next to the bed to repel mosquitoes.

In addition to the above method, you can use other ways to repel mosquitoes using natural ingredients.

- Using soapberry: Folks use soapberry as a natural cleaning agent. People often fumigate their homes with soapberry to disinfect and clean the air. You can also burn locust to fumigate your home to repel mosquitoes and other insects.

- Use garlic: Garlic has a pungent, pungent smell that makes mosquitoes very afraid. You just need to peel the garlic and cut it into small pieces so that the aroma can radiate better. Put garlic on small plates or small pieces of paper and place it in all corners of the house. This way, mosquitoes and other insects will not dare to visit. In addition, combining garlic with chili will also help repel mosquitoes effectively. You just need to grind the garlic and chili and soak it in water for a while so that the essences in the garlic and chili dissolve into the water. Filter the liquid and pour into a spray bottle. Spray the resulting solution in places where mosquitoes frequent. Mosquitoes smell the scent of these spices and will not dare to come near them again. Note, do not spray garlic or chili on food and avoid letting the solution come into contact with your hands and eyes.

- Plant some mosquito-repelling plants around the house: There are many plants that have the ability to naturally repel mosquitoes. You can plant them around the house, put a few small pots on the windowsill to keep mosquitoes from entering the house. Some familiar mosquito repellent plants are lemongrass, mint, perilla, basil, marigold...


Posted in: Family & Home, Health
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