by on March 30, 2024

Bougainvillea plants are easy to grow but still need proper care and nutrition for them to bloom profusely.

Bougainvillea is a plant that can bloom all year round. Although this plant is easy to grow and does not require much care, if you only water the plant with plain water, the flowers will certainly not be beautiful.

There are many reasons why bougainvillea plants do not bloom but only have leaves. One may be due to limited growing space (this often happens with bougainvillea plants grown in pots). The second reason is that the tree lacks sunlight. Bougainvillea is a sun-loving plant. When planted in places with enough light, new plants can grow strongly and produce many flowers.

In the first case, you should repot the plant in a new, larger pot. In the second case, the plant should be moved to a location with more light. If you have done both of the above and the plant still does not produce many flowers, you can add some nutrients to stimulate the plant to grow, differentiate and produce more flowers.


When properly cared for, bougainvillea can flower all year round.

Use beer

Beer is not only a drink but can also be used as a fertilizer for plants, especially flowering ornamental plants such as bougainvillea. You can take advantage of leftover and expired beer to water bougainvillea plants. This type of irrigation water will help plants grow well, produce more flowers and last longer.

Beer contains sugar, starch, and many other substances that help nourish plants. However, you need to note that beer contains alcohol, so you need to dilute the beer with clean water before watering, the ratio is 1 beer: 30 water. Beer soaks into the soil and provides nutrients to the plants, helping them grow better every day. Every 20 days, water the plants with beer once.

Sugar and yeast in beer also contribute to nourishing beneficial bacteria in the soil, making the soil more porous and fertile.

You can use beer to water bougainvillea, roses, petunias...

Note, only water the beer at the base of the tree, do not water the leaves.

Use vinegar

Vinegar is not only an important spice in many dishes but it also has many other uses. You can use vinegar to water plants. Vinegar helps increase soil acidity, provides a certain amount of iron for plants to grow, stimulates flowering, and keeps leaves always green.

You need to dilute vinegar with clean water before watering the plant. 150ml of vinegar should be diluted with 4 liters of clean water and watered into the soil. You can water the plants with vinegar twice a week.

In addition to watering bougainvillea plants with beer and vinegar water, to help them bloom, you need to pay attention to the following things:

- Fertilize the plant: Proper nutritional supplementation will help the bougainvillea plant stay healthy and produce many flowers. You can use phosphate, potassium, chicken manure, earthworm compost... to fertilize plants.

- Prune trees neatly: Trees need to be pruned periodically to keep them neat. Cutting back weak, diseased branches and branches that reach too high will help limit the tree's nutrient consumption, helping the tree focus on growing strong branches and stimulating flowering. After a flowering period, you also need to prune the spent flowers to prepare for the next flowering period.

Posted in: Family & Home, Health
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