by on April 19, 2024

Chicken ash is a nutritious dish that helps improve health, especially good for people with physical weakness, pregnant women... You can prepare this dish at home while ensuring nutrition. , both delicious and attractive.

Chicken ash is one of the nutritious dishes, effective in enhancing blood circulation, nourishing lungs, anti-aging, good for people with physical weakness, people who have just recovered from illness and need to restore physical strength, and pregnant women.

There are many different ways to prepare fried chicken. Among them, some popular types of chicken include Chinese medicinal chicken, mugwort chicken, and lotus seed chicken.

Choose chicken to make chicken stew

For the chicken dish, you can choose black chicken, black chicken or any type of chicken depending on your conditions and preferences. In particular, evil chicken is considered a type of chicken with high nutritional value, providing many nutrients, helping to increase the body's immunity, promoting health recovery. In the past, people often called this type of chicken medicinal chicken.

No matter what type of chicken you choose, you need to choose fresh chicken. If it is a live chicken, it must be healthy, have enough feathers, bright eyes, agile, and moderate weight. If it is a pre-cooked chicken, the chicken meat must be firm, elastic, the chicken skin must be bright, not slimy, and have no strange odors.

You can use a whole chicken to make fried chicken or just use the chicken thighs to make fried chicken (depending on your needs, choose the appropriate chicken part).

Prepare chicken

Before cooking chicken-related dishes, you need to prepare them thoroughly to remove the chicken's odor.

After cleaning the chicken feathers and taking out the internal organs, wash the chicken with salt to remove dirt on the skin and eliminate odors. Wash the chicken several times with clean water, then drain and wait for processing.

Before cooking, you can marinate the chicken with a little seasoning such as salt and seasoning to make the chicken more flavorful.

Spices for chicken with wormwood

Mugwort chicken is a dish that is quite easy to cook, with familiar ingredients and easy to find. This dish is suitable for postpartum women, helping to replenish blood, quickly restore strength, help the uterus contract, and support the expulsion of lochia faster.

This dish is also good for the health of premenopausal and postmenopausal women with hormonal decline.

Mugwort chicken also helps women reduce stomach pain during "red light" days, and has the effect of nourishing blood and enhancing health.

With the chicken stewed with mugwort, choose the young mugwort part to eat. The old wormwood can be cut into small pieces and put into a bag to stew with the broth.

A portion of young wormwood will be placed in the chicken's stomach. Place the chicken in the pot and put the remaining mugwort along with the old mugwort in a bag. Add water to cover the chicken, season with a little salt to taste, then cover and simmer over low heat for 45-60 minutes. You can also choose to steam the chicken to make it more flavorful. Many chicken shops will use beer cans and soft drink cans, cut off part of them, add chicken and wormwood and steam them.

Mugwort chicken served in beer cans or chicken noodle soup are loved by many people.

Mugwort chicken served in beer cans or chicken noodle soup are loved by many people.

When the chicken is tender, remove it and serve immediately while still warm.

Chicken seasoning with traditional Chinese medicine

The simplest Chinese medicine used to marinate chicken will include goji berries, ginseng, yyi, and jujube. In addition, there may be more dong quai, jade bamboo, hoai son, thuc diahuang, and chuyen frame...

With the traditional herbal chicken dish, you can buy traditional herbal spice packages that are available at dry spice shops, supermarkets or at traditional herbal medicine stores. These packages will have all the spices you need, enough for one cooking session.

Pour out the herbal spice packet and wash it with clean water to remove all dirt.

Chicken with traditional Chinese medicine has the characteristic aromatic flavor of medicinal herbs.

Chicken with traditional Chinese medicine has the characteristic aromatic flavor of medicinal herbs.

Clean the chicken and put it in the pot with the herbal spice packet. Add a little salt to taste. Add a sufficient amount of water and place the pot on the stove, simmer over low heat. Stew for about 1 hour until the chicken is tender. You can add more wormwood on top to stew with chicken and Chinese medicine, helping to add flavor and nutrition to the dish.

Chicken seasoning with traditional Chinese medicine

The chicken dish with traditional Chinese medicine has quite simple ingredients. Additionally, you will need to prepare lotus seeds. If using dried lotus seeds, you need to soak them first to bloom. When cooked, the lotus seeds will be soft and friable. In addition, you need to add a package of traditional Chinese medicine spices including Yyi, red apple, ginseng, and goji berries. 

Put all the ingredients in the pot, add a little water and simmer over low heat until the chicken is tender, season to taste.

Posted in: Family & Home, Health
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