by on April 6, 2024

Salted eggplant dish is not difficult to make. To have crispy white salted eggplant pieces to serve with rice, please save the secret below.

Choose delicious eggplant

Choosing ingredients plays an extremely important role in having delicious crispy eggplant dishes. Eggplant is used a lot and gives it a delicious crunch. There are two types of eggplant, white and green eggplant. Black eggplant has a slightly sour taste, few seeds but is not as crunchy as white eggplant. Meanwhile, white eggplant will have more seeds but is crispier. Therefore, if you want to eat crunchy salted eggplant, you should choose white eggplant. Green eggplants are suitable for salting. Depending on your conditions and preferences, you can choose the right type of eggplant for salted eggplant.

You can choose green eggplant or white eggplant to pickle.

You can choose green eggplant or white eggplant to pickle.

No matter what type of eggplant you buy, you should choose fruits of moderate size, not too big, not too small. These fruits will have a moderate amount of seeds, and will be crunchier when eaten due to a lot of pulp.

You should buy fresh eggplants, avoid buying wilted ones because they will no longer have the desired crispness. Choose fruits with fresh green stems, intact fruits, without worms or scars.

You should choose small eggplants (not too young, not too old). Young eggplants will have few seeds but not crunchy, while old eggplants will be crunchy but have many seeds and a pungent smell.

Preparing eggplant

When you buy eggplant, you can dry it in the sun to wilt to make the eggplant crispier.

After drying, use a knife to cut the eggplant into pieces, but do not cut too deeply or into the fruit's flesh. Cutting into the fruit flesh will cause the fruit flesh to become waterlogged and soft when salted. Soak the stem-cut eggplants in a basin of diluted salt water for about 1 hour to make the tomatoes less toxic and whiter.

Cut off the stem of the eggplant and soak in salt water.

Cut off the stem of the eggplant and soak in salt water.

Seasoning with eggplant salt

Indispensable spices when salting eggplants are salt and water. If you want the tomatoes to sour quickly, you can add a little sugar and vinegar. The amount of salt used to mix will depend on taste.

In addition, to quickly sour the tomatoes, you can use warm water to salt the tomatoes.

Just add salt to cooled boiled water and stir well until dissolved. Some people will put water, salt, and sugar in a pot to boil. When the ingredients are completely dissolved, turn off the stove and let it cool, then use this water to salt the eggplants. Depending on your preferences, you can choose the appropriate way to salt the eggplants. However, care should be taken to ensure that the amount of water is enough to cover the prepared tomatoes.

In addition to the above spices, you can add garlic, chili, and galangal to enhance the flavor of salted eggplant.

Eggplant jars should be made of porcelain, ceramic, or glass. Tools need to be sterilized with hot water and then allowed to dry before salting the eggs.

Be careful when salting eggplant

After washing the eggplants, take them out, drain them and put them in a jar. Pour in the previously prepared soaking water. Use a plate/bowl or a clean plastic bag filled with water to cover the entire eggplant area with water. Cover the jar and keep it in a cool, dry place. In the hot summer, it only takes about 2-3 days for tomatoes to be ready for use.

Pour salt water to completely cover the prepared eggplant.

Pour salt water to completely cover the prepared eggplant.

Note, when taking eggplant out of the jar, use clean chopsticks and a clean spoon. After taking the eggplant out, insert the bowl/plate on top so that the eggplant does not float on the water. The amount of eggplant taken out is enough for the meal, do not pour the eggplant that has been taken out into the jar.

If the eggplant has reached the desired acidity but hasn't finished eating yet, you can put the jar of eggplant in the refrigerator to slow down the fermentation process.

Posted in: Family & Home, Health
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